Saturday, May 12, 2012
Flores De Mayo 2012. Posted at 11:00 PM 0 comments (+)
Flores de Mayo is a Catholic and Aglipayan festival held in the Philippines in the month of May. Lasting for a month, it is held in honor of the Virgin Mary. The Santacruzan refers to the pageant on the last day of Flores de Mayo, held in honour of Helena (known as Reyna Elena) and Constantine finding the True Cross in Jerusalem.

The name is derived from Flores, the Spanish word for "flowers". Also known as "Flores de María" ("Flowers of Mary") or "Álay" (Filipino for "offering"), the term refers to the festival as a whole. It was believed that "Flores" (short term for Flores de Mayo) originated in 1865 from the town of Malolos, Bulacan, when the young girls would make a floral offering to the Virgin Mary in the parish church. 

My cousin Cloe. Ave Maria, Little Angel. Correction: It's Cloe Clautero. Not Claurero. 
So we had dinner at Chowking after the parade. (i missed eating my favorite chao fan) 

During the Flores de Mayo parade.

Bubbly kiddo! She's so happy.

Brother and sister.


M for Maria. 

Gettin' ready for the event.

Cousin at the background. 

Auntie and cousin. 

My fave, chao fan.

Boyf and cousin.

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